Ética e Compliance – Ortodoxia ou esoterismo

Ética e Compliance – Ortodoxia ou esoterismo Será que um sistema de Gestão de Compliance (CMS) necessita verdadeiramente de ética? Se a ética tem mesmo uma relação com o Compliance, então qual é o papel do gestor de Compliance? A questão reduz-se a saber se um Compliance meramente legal serve o suficiente no mundo económico […]

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Motor insurance claims decline after introduction of anti-fraud measures

Motor insurance claims fell by 8% in the first seven months of 2018, a drop attributed to a decision by insurers last year to forward suspicious claims to the Authorities in Ireland. Cost of policies The organisation typically pays out between €55 million to €60 million a year in insurance payments, with fraudulent claims adding […]

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