Private Vehicle Recovery around the globe

A stolen Ferrari with counterfeit Bulgarian licence plate was seized in South Tyrol, northern Italy. Several suspicious details on the vehicle and its circumstances draw the attention of a private person.  Only expert knowledge make it possible to detect. Upon detection of the suspicious circumstances of the Ferrari and after clearing procedures local police authorities were […]

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Training Opportunities / Oportunidades de formação

Committed to continuous and close collaboration with public authorities and following previous police training courses, Align’in, Lda. will be promoting specific police training in INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC CONTROL, in Spain. This way, we strive to contribute actively to strengthening police intervention capacities, in detecting and fighting vehicle crime. Empenhada numa estreita colaboração com as […]

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Ética e Compliance – Ortodoxia ou esoterismo

Ética e Compliance – Ortodoxia ou esoterismo Será que um sistema de Gestão de Compliance (CMS) necessita verdadeiramente de ética? Se a ética tem mesmo uma relação com o Compliance, então qual é o papel do gestor de Compliance? A questão reduz-se a saber se um Compliance meramente legal serve o suficiente no mundo económico […]

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Motor insurance claims decline after introduction of anti-fraud measures

Motor insurance claims fell by 8% in the first seven months of 2018, a drop attributed to a decision by insurers last year to forward suspicious claims to the Authorities in Ireland. Cost of policies The organisation typically pays out between €55 million to €60 million a year in insurance payments, with fraudulent claims adding […]

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Align’in, Automotive Services – Vehicles Recovery

One year after starting Align’in – Automotive service line, we are proud to announce that by June 2018, we have recovered a total of 30 stolen vehicles, which we returned back to their rightful owners. Within these there were automobiles and motorcycles, stolen from and recovered to the following countries:   Denmark, England, Netherlands, Portugal, […]

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Engenharia Social – Fraude e Compliance

Engenharia Social – Fraude e Compliance Continua-se a considerar o Compliance como um custo “incómodo” em vez de o considerar contributo importante para uma mudança cultural necessária ao desenvolvimento sustentável dos negócios.  

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Suspicious Transactions? Not on my watch!

Its all about setting the right parameters! On May 22nd, the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in the Netherlands published its annual report for 2017. The number of unusual transactions is significant and the total amount of suspicious transactions is even record-breaking. But while the initial reaction might be to think that this might indicate an […]

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Data breach responses

Data breach responses Given the scale and speed of technological advances in recent decades, companies are generating more sensitive business data than ever. Though they are storing that data in ways that are beneficial to their businesses, they are also becoming more attractive targets for malicious actors. “While legislators can only hope to keep pace […]

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The impact of people process and Technology on E-Discovery

The impact of people process and Technology on E-Discovery Lorrainne Medcraft The explosion of data in our world is almost incomprehensible and is growing at rapid rates. This requires law firms and their clients to think more proactively about electronic information – specifically, how to ensure potentially relevant data is preserved, collected, processed, reviewed and […]

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“Dirty Money ” and poor controls – the Key Areas of enforcement Activity for 2018

“Dirty Money ” and poor controls – the Key Areas of enforcement Activity for 2018 by Caroline Black, Neil Gerrard and Matthew Banham The publication of the UK Anti-Corruption Strategy 2017-2022 in December 2017 will motivate regulators and prosecuting agencies to increase attention on individuals and on those regulated entities whose controls fail to detect […]

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